在谷歌快满一年了,正好趁这次perf release 来 review一下过去这一年。由于签证问题,过去一年我分别在两个team干过,第一个team干了5个月,第二个team干了6个月。大部分时间花在了onboarding上,感觉没有多少产出:(. 用一句话概括总结这一年的learning就是要积极主动。

What’s going well?

Me: ?

My Manage: The growth mindset and learning attitude.

My Peers: Efficient at execution & learning things quickly

What’s NOT going well

  • 上班期间会偷懒刷youtube,下班后打游戏。
  • 不够积极主动
  • Not enough motivation,下班后自己不会积极主动去钻研技术。
  • 老是等待TL分配任务,不会自己积极主动地去找问题。

What’s needed to be improved?

Feedback from others

  • be proactive in picking up more diversified tasks
  • go beyond the initial requirement specification.
  • share more options in the team. Express more about the technical, product and his accomplishment.

The Goal

The Goal is to maximize the overall useful output of our team.

The Plan



  1. 在meeting中,积极参与讨论,表达自己的想法。
  2. 同事遇到困难,积极主动地帮忙解决
  3. 主动share自己的learning lesson
  4. Go beyond the initial requirements.
  5. 主动思考product还有什么地方可以improve的。

这是我一直以来的问题,很多同事都提到过这个东西,但我始终无法在这方面作出很大改变。需要下功夫逼迫自己走出comfortable zone。

Technical Skills

  • The full Google “toolkit”
    • 把我们组要用到的skill学透了
  • Master at least one major skill outside of core coding (e.g., monitoring, documentation, integration testing)

How to find projects?

  • from yourself
    1. Read all the docs related to your team’s product
    2. Talk to people who have been working in the team for years
    3. when you have enough background knowledge, you will have a good sense of what you can do to improve the product
  • from others
    1. Push your TL and manager to give you more projects
    2. Ask other teammates if they have anything for you

What else you can do to make contributions?

  1. fix bugs
  2. …?

Action Items

  1. list the technical skills used in our team, checkout the starter tookit
  2. read all documents(PRD, design doc, slides)
  3. fix bugs
  4. schedule one-on-one talk to other people(other managers/TL)
  5. read codebase
  6. increase frequency of Lunch Ninjia
  7. toastmaster


  1. 熟练掌握本team需要用到的tech skills,至少阅读完官方的doc: 每天花一小时学习
  2. read docs: 每周读一篇
  3. fix bugs:at least once per week
  4. talk to other people: at least once other week
  5. read codebase